Sure hope you all had the best Thanksgiving Day ever, with plenty of playtime and some yummy food. But the most important thing is making time to thank God for being God and blessing us all so much!!!
Now I want to catch you up, as I promised, on Lashley’s incredible Homecoming Party. It was spectacular! The only thing that would have made it any better is if you had been there with us to celebrate!
We set up picnic blankets on the grass at the edge of the Bog Pond, so that Carpie could be in on all the good food and fun. As soon as Lashley arrived, the whole Bog crowd erupted in cheers, waves and hugs…but, when Lashley ran straight into the pond and Carpie leapt out of the water and into Lashley’s wings…
Well, it was Bog mayhem at its finest.
The critters, not wanting to miss a single second, took off running, straight into the Pond as well. They were splashing water, kicking water, dunking one another in sheer joy and celebration of a loving reunion between two beloved friends. The truth be known, when they finally got out of the water, there was not a dry eye to be found, including mine.
Lashley sat down to have lunch with Carpie’s on his old Pond log, as we all took our soaking wet selves back to our picnic blankets and the super duper, food extravaganza, Chenille had been days preparing. Piled high sandwiches with homemade chips, veggies and cheeses with the tastiest dips. Cookies and cakes with sweet creamy filling, fruit tarts with custard that didn’t need chilling. I asked God to bless all the wonderful food then gave thanks for the friendship His love had restored.
Isn’t it wonderful when someone you love and miss, comes back into your life?! Do you have someone or something you love and miss? I think we all do and I pray we all get to celebrate like Lashley and Carpie someday. In the meantime, we can all celebrate the blessings that come into the lives of others.
Thank all of you who let Lashley know how good it was that he finally got back to his old friends and life….
Isn’t God wonderful!!!
Well…that’s all for now but don’t forget to be good, be kind and to say your prayers.